Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wombats! Taking Over the World?!

Everybody knows that wombats are Australian marsupials. Well, maybe not "everybody:" but enough folks to make it the official faunal emblem of South Australia.

Don't let their pudgy looks fool you. Wombats get "rather nasty" when stepped on. (Sky News, April 6, 2010) The wombat featured in that article seems to have had mange, which made it particularly testy.

Wombats Taking Over the World?

That wrathful wombat may be just the tip of the iceberg. From the looks of it, Wombats may be taking over the world. Here's a sample of what I found:Yes: Wombats have gone international! Infiltrating our business communities!

Or, maybe folks think that "wombat" is a cool name. That explanation has my vote.

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