Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, July 2, 2010

Lemming Tracks: Twitter, Capacity, and Here We Go Again

Update 12:38 p.m. (July 2, 2010)
I've logged on to Twitter, which has been 'over capacity' only once in over a dozen clicks.
The Lemming's been trying to log on to Twitter for - maybe a half-hour?

Twitter's Fail Whale shows up each time I visit - not the first thing you want to see there.

On the bright side, Twitter's 'status' page does work. And reports this:

"Investigating Elevated Error Rates 16 minutes ago

"We’ve received reports of elevated error rates for users; we’re currently investigating."

Well, at least it looks like someone is in the office.

Maybe it will take a while for the Twitter folks to discover that Twitter is over capacity with too many Tweets is "isolated areas." Like Dallas, Texas. And Japan. (June 7, 2010)

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