Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day in Park Rapids, Minnesota

You'll see folks writing about Memorial Day events in Washington, D.C., or the San Francisco Bay area. But it takes The Lemming to write about Memorial Day events in Park Rapids, Minnesota:

"Festivals & Events"
Park Rapids Downtown Business Association

"Memorial Day weekend thru September
"Park Rapids Farmers Market
"The Park Rapids Farmers Market is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays and Noon to 5 p.m. Wednesdays at Pioneer Park on Main Avenue. Locally grown veggies, flowers and more...."

"Park Rapids Farmers' Market"

This entry gives more detail about what you can expect to find at the farmer's market:
  • beef
  • fruits
  • lettuce / greens
  • meats
  • tomatoes
  • vegetables
The meat surprised me: but it makes sense, considering how much livestock is raised in that part of Minnesota. is a pretty good resource for finding a farmer's market that's got what you are looking for - or might have. For example, on the "Park Rapids Farmers' Market" page, click on "beef." That links to the "Products & Services > beef" page, listing markets offering beef: from Arrowwood Family Farm in the Fergus Falls area; to Zenk Farm, near Danube.

Farmer's markets offer what's available that day. You're trading a degree of certainty for access to foods that are a great deal fresher - and less standardized - than what you often get at the supermarket.

There's more to Memorial Day weekend than picking up produce at the farmer's market, of course. The Lemming touched base at the Park Rapids Chamber of Commerce, and found these events happening at the end of May:
  • May 28 - May 31: 15th Anniversary & (Instore) Warehouse Sale!
  • May 29: Park Rapids Garden Club Plant Sale
    • Summerset Flea Market 3 Miles East on Hwy 34 in Park Rapids
  • May 29: North Country Trail Through Hike, Sponsored by the Itasca Moraine Chapter
  • May 31: Memorial Day Services
    • Park Rapids Area High School, Red Bridge Park and All Veterans Memorial Park
It's good to see that the folks in Park Rapids remember what Memorial Day is about. The Lemming wishes you a good weekend.

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