Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lemming Tracks: The Lemming's Taking the Day Off

The Lemming is pooped. There's a lot going on this week, and - well, maybe you read "Macbeth: Or, Don't Talk to Strangers?" (May 26, 2010).

Not to worry: a good night's sleep, a bit of rest and not reading any of Shakespeare's tragedies should put the Lemming right. I hope so, anyway.

You can expect to see the Lemming back, with photos of cute rabbits, opining about interior design, 18th century clocks, or whatever else comes to mind, Friday morning.

Of course by then, if you're in America at least, you'll probably be getting ready for Memorial Day weekend. Drive safely, and all that.

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