Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, February 25, 2010

High Fashion - They're Supposed to be Footwear

"Five reasons to just go barefoot…"
Oddly Enough, Reuters blog (February 24, 2010)

"Shoppers, what's the best way to save money on shoes? By not even being tempted to buy any.

"Here are five examples of footwear from major fashion shows in the past month. I think most folks would rather wear flip-flops.

"I mean, top left, I'm pretty sure this one is inspired by the 'Mad Max' movie wardrobe, and it's only going to appeal to chicks who get invited to parties in unheated caves...."

Well, actually, I wear flip-flops from late spring through late autumn. I'd wear them in the winter, but here in Minnesota even my Norwegian heritage won't keep my feet that warm.

After those antlered fashion models, earlier this week, these shoes look almost - no, not normal, but vaguely practical. Except for that pair of - things - in the lower-right corner.

Then there's the photo that goes with this paragraph:

"...Finally, we have these boots. I'm not making this up, they are named 'Military China' – two words that are synonymous with haute couture...."

I think the Oddly Enough blogger hit the right tone with "I'm not making this up" - and he's not.

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