Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, December 28, 2009

Santa's Workshop, Pip, and a Disturbing - or Disturbed - Image

Santa's Warehouse, 2009 by ~Norski on deviantART

" 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the shop
Nothing was stirring, you could hear a pin drop.'

"When I created this scene, I wasn't sure how to use it. The poem, "Pip" - that's the first two lines - tells the picture's story. Normally, I wouldn't do a cheap parody of a beloved poem like Clement Clarke Moore's: but I was facing a deadline, had no better ideas, and was getting desperate.

"The poem, and a (much) smaller version of this picture is on one of my blogs: 'Not Your Usual Fluffy Christmas Rhyme', Loonfoot Falls Chronicle-Gazette."

On Deviant Art's website, and a few other places online, I'm Norski. Yep: I'm plugging one of my prints.

Yes! You, too, can have "Santa's Workshop, 2009" as a handsome 8 x 10 to hang on your wall! Or, as a fine 4 x 5 print. Just follow the links.

You'll never forget that image. No matter how hard you try, I suspect.

The Lemming will be back, a little later, with a post about fine art, or gerbils, or magnetohydrodynamics, or something.

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