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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Feline Ping Pong: A New Sport?

"ping pong cat"

mutleey, YouTube (December 13, 2008)
video, 2:00

"cat wants to play ping pong"

Lively music and two minutes of a black cat playing ping pong with two kids. The video has clearly been edited from raw footage - I'm pretty sure that a number of the sections are repeated. But it's fun to watch. Well, I enjoyed it: an you might, too.

It's probably too late for the 2012 London Olympics, but I think we may be looking on a fresh new variation on ping pong here: Ping pong with two players, a table, and a cat. Maybe it could be called feline ping pong. Or cat pong. That sounds weird. Maybe cing cong. No, that reminds me of Fay Wray.

All the Olympic committee needs to do is come up with an Olympic-standard cat, and we're good to go.

I've heard that the Olympics is about meeting and overcoming challenges: and what would be more challenging than a ping pong match, with the reputation of your country at stake, the whole world watching - and a cat trying to catch the ball?

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