Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Harper Valley PTA - Yeah, There Are People Like That

"Jeannie C. Riley - Harper Valley P.T.A."

kkiilljjooy, YouTube (September 27, 2008)
video, 3:09

"This is a vintage live performance by Jeannie C. Riley of her hit song, 'Harper Valley P.T.A.', written by Tom T. Hall. Riley was born in 1945 in Anson, Texas. This song immediately became...."

If my memory's working, I ran into this song somewhere in the late sixties.

I ran into this video while researching a post for another blog. It didn't (quite) fit the topic of that post, but: I like the song, and I think it says something about the disconnect we sometimes see, between what 'respectable' people expect from others, and what they're up to, themselves.

And, like I said, I like the song.

That other post:

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