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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mars Rover to Mars: a Video

"mars rover to mars holst the planets"
Cornell, NASA, JPL

thesayerofing, YouTube (April 30, 2007)
video, 7:56

"the popular digital simulation of the mars rover played with Holst's 'mars' from 'the planets'
"'uncanny' is all I have to say"

Animation by Daniel Maas, Maas Digital LLC.
Technical consultant Steve Squyres.
© 2002, Cornell University, all rights reserved.

This is an impressive presentation - although the quality of the image is typical of older YouTube posts. The underlying animation - and quite effective synchronizing with Holst's "Mars" - makes up, I think, for the less-than-stellar video quality.
I've been interested in space exploration for over four and a half decades. In my youth, there was a general assumption that we'd have interplanetary space ships before we'd developed semi-independent robots. In this way, as with many others, "the future ain't what it used to be." (Yogi Berra)

Related post:
  • "Gustav Holst's 'The Planets'"
    Cornell University (October 11, 2008, posted November 16, 2008)
    video, 54:01
    • "The Cornell and Ithaca College Symphony Orchestras performed Gustav Holst's 'The Planets' in its entirety, October 11, 2008 in Cornell's Bailey Hall, under the direction of conductors Jeffery Meyer and Chris Younghoon Kim...."
In spite of the video at the Cornell website being in part camera footage of a screen projection at a live performance, the image quality is agruably better than the YouTube video's. The Cornell video presentation is not exactly the same as the one on YouTube.

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