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Sunday, November 29, 2009

At last! A Video About Meerkats and an Aardvark

"Meerkat Manor - Meerkats Meet an Aardvark"

AnimalPlanetTV, YouTube (May 30, 2008)
video, 1:11

"Little Murray and the girls have never seen a foraging stranger quite like this before. Will they fight or will they run? The Next Generation premiers...."

The video clip I viewed was preceded by a commercial whose volume was set at "blasting." But, after that, I could re-view the meerkat & aardvark footage without giving my eardrums a stress test.

Personally, I could have stood more aardvark and less meerkat in this video: but after all, the show is named after the real-life counterparts of Timon, of "Timon and Pumba."

And, we get a pretty good look at how aardvarks get at the (up to) 50,000 insects a night they like to eat.

1 comment:

  1. Aardvarks are as funny looking as their name is funny sounding.

    Hehehe. Aardvark. Aardvark. Aardvark.


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