Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cute, Bushels of Cute, Barrels of Cute: Cute Overload

Cute Overload

"...What do you think you're doing?
"At Cute Overload, we scour the Web for only the finest in cute imagery. Imagery that is worth your Internet browsing time. We offer an overwhelming amount of cuteness to fill your daily visual allowance. Drink it in, People!..."
(Cute Overload About Us)

That should give you an idea of what sort of website this is. A handful of people handle submissions from who-knows-how-many contributors, compiling some of the most blue-mood-busting photos I've had the pleasure of seeing.

Wait. It's six people plus contributors. Humans have five digits. Just about blew my cover there.

These posts showed on on one day (August 12, 2009): Here's that video:

(Moved to "Continued from Yesterday: A Cat, a Dog, and a Pet Door" (August 26, 2009))

Finally, one of today's photos:

From "IT'S CALENDAR TIME!" For once, all-caps is justified.


  1. You may want to take another look at the link for "GusGus wants to try Life."

  2. Brigid,

    Right you are! And, fixed!



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