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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Johnson-Sea-Link I & II - 'Help Keep the Submarines Afloat'

"Please do this one small thing for marine research"
The Right Blue (May 31, 2009)

"You visit The Right Blue because you like the ocean, and you like to see learn about the creatures that live in the sea, right? We'd like to ask you, our readers, to do one small thing that can aid marine research. It won't cost you any money -- just a minute of your time, and lending your name to a very good cause.

"We'd like you to click here to sign an online petition. Here's what it's about:

"The Johnson-Sea-Link I & II submersibles and their support ship, the research vessel R/V Seward Johnson, may be taken out of service. Kevin Zelnio over at Deep Sea News explains:..."

Times are tough all over. This post makes a pretty good argument for signing the petition to keep the submersibles going. The Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Fort Pierce, Florida, has been using them: and it seems that the state of Florida has been re-evaluating financial support.


  1. Thanks for the mention. Anything we can do to help our fellow marine scientist is very much appreciated. rjs


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