Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

And Now, for Something Completely Different: Fabulous Photos of Foods, Fancy and Plain


"...Founded on the idea that we eat first with our eyes, TasteSpotting is our obsessive, compulsive collection of eye-catching images that link to something deliciously interesting on the other side. Think of TasteSpotting as a highly visual potluck of recipes, references, experiences, stories, articles, products, and anything else that inspires exquisite taste...."

The front page of this website displays 48 photos of food - when I checked, it went from "Lemon lime sugar cookie pops, 50% whole wheat, 100% love. All proceeds go to Amnesty International for stopping 'Violence Against Women' " to "Strawberry and rhubarb crisp, with pumpkin seeds to make it even crispier" - in no particular order.

Actually, 47 of the photos are about food (including a stack of graham crackers). One showed a seashore. It links to a special feature. The other photos link to a writeup - with photos - of the food.

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