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Sunday, June 7, 2009

American Student Rides Outside of Australian Train

"Tourist clings to speeding Ghan as it races through outback"
PerthNow (June 7, 2009)

"A YOUNG American tourist has survived a terrifying train ride in which he clung to the outside of the legendary Ghan in the freezing dark as it hit speeds of 110km/h. [about 70 miles an hour]

"Chad Vance, 19, of Alaska, squeezed himself into a tiny stairwell on the train as it raced for almost 200km through the South Australian outback after leaving Port Augusta.

"It was two hours and 20 minutes before a Ghan crew member heard his desperate cries for help about 20km south of Pimba and brought the train to an emergency halt...."

Chad Vance wanted to stretch his legs as the train stopped at Port Augusta. He lost track of time, and - rather imprudently - decided to grab the train as it moved out of town.

The article gives a fairly detailed description of what happened, and why young Mr. Vance was so anxious to catch the train.

His adventure is no joke: it was above freezing, barely, in the stairwell he perched in. Chad Vance was pale and shaking by the time he was hauled into the train. The article explains his quick recovery is the result of: "His youth and conditioning of living in a cold climate...."

Chad Vance is from North Pole, Alaska.

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