Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rodin's The Thinker: What Were They Thinking?!

"The Thinker / The story behind Rodin's famous sculpture"
Hell or High Water, via Interesting Thing of the Day (January 18, 2005)

"There's no getting around it: in junior high and high school, I was a nerd. I actually wore pocket protectors. I had my digital watch synchronized to the second with the school’s clocks. I excelled at academics (especially science and math), I dreaded phys ed, and I didn't understand sports. I was in the band...."

The writer does get around to an interesting discussion of how Rodin's The Thinker was commissioned. Apparently, it was originally planned as a part of a themed museum entrance. The museum people had decided that making the entrance of their place look like the gates of Hell would attract visitors.

Something like that, anyway.

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