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Monday, May 11, 2009

Digital Photography for Neophytes - Digital Neophytes, that is

"Don't Shoot in Auto! How to Take Better Pictures"
PC Magazine (May 8, 2009)

"Are you a digital neophyte, too scared to turn off the Auto mode on your fancy new digital camera? Think of me as your online support group. I want you to start exploring what your camera can really do. And for success, what you know is a whole lot more important than which specific camera you're gripping. Let's start by thinking about digital SLRs (D-SLRs), an increasingly popular type of digital camera...."

This article is a reprint from another source - - and I think PC Magazine gets points for acknowledging that. Also, for linking to "Control Your D-SLR."

The article is written for a "digital neophyte," who has some experience with cameras, and terms like "f stop." The writer does explain "depth of field," though - so it's a bit of a mixed bag as far as level-of-expertise needed to get something out of it.

Bottom line: a pretty good resource for digital photographers.

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