Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, May 21, 2009

$20,000 Kobelco Digger Auctioned to 3-Year-Old

"Toddler buys $20,000 digger on TradeMe" (May 21, 2009)

"Three-year-old Pipi Quinlan bought a $20,000 Kobelco digger on auction website TradeMe, prompting immediate damage control by her mum when her purchase was revealed.

"Most parents are used to little ones sneaking treats into the supermarket trolley, but Pipi's deal must take the cake.

"Parents Sarah and Reid Quinlan, of Stanmore Bay, were astonished to wake one morning to find Pipi had bought the huge excavating digger in a TradeMe auction...."

Good news: The Quinlans don't have to pay for the digger, and the seller was reimbursed for auction costs. The Kobelco digger is up for auction again. This time, let's hope that an adult gets there first.

And the Moral of this Story is - - -

"...Perhaps it’s a lesson for many parents or childminders to keep a close eye on little ones around computers."

Yep, I'd say that's a good idea.

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