Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"Flat, Flexible Loudspeaker" - Better Public Address System

" New flat flexible speakers might even help you catch planes & trains "
Warwick >> News and Events (March 31, 2009)

"A groundbreaking new loudspeaker, less than 0.25mm thick, has been developed by University of Warwick engineers, it's flat, flexible, could be hung on a wall like a picture, and its particular method of sound generation could make public announcements in places like passenger terminals clearer, crisper, and easier to hear.

"Lightweight and inexpensive to manufacture, the speakers are slim and flexible: they could be concealed inside ceiling tiles or car interiors, or printed with a design and hung on the wall like a picture.

"Pioneered by University of Warwick spin-out company, Warwick Audio Technologies' the 'Flat, Flexible Loudspeaker' (FFL) is ideal for public spaces where it delivers planar directional sound waves, which project further than sound from conventional speakers...."

Sounds like a great idea: Although thirty or so years from now, someone will probably be writing nostalgically about the good old days and those wonderfully unintelligible station announcements.

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