Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"2001 a Spacy Odyssey" Theme - on Kazoos?!

"The Temple City Kazoo Orchestra - Sprach Kazoostra"

daviddennard, YouTube (August 12, 2007)
video (3:19)

They play "Stayin' Alive," too, on their album.

On kazoos.

Under the circumstances, they did a good job of simulating drums. On kazoos.

The video clip is from 1979 - which was nostalgic for me: and probably historical for you.

I found it on "Way Out Wednesday: The Temple City Kazoo Orchestra, 'Some Kazoos' " (POPDOSE (March 4, 2009).
Thanks to legbamel on Twitter, for the heads-up on this post and video.

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