Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Commonplacing: Not Your Usual Quotations Collection

a tumblelog

This blog (more properly, "tumbleog") is a growing collection of quotations.

Right now, the most recent one is

"The past is intelligible to us only in light of the present; and we can fully understand the present only in light of the past.
— Edward Hallett Carr, What is History? (New York: Vintage, 1961), 69.

"Commonplacing" is not your usual collection of uplifting/relevant quotations. But, for those willing to wade through some fairly dense prose, I think it'll be worth checking out.

Finally, about the word "commonplacing:" There's a definition at the start of a BlogCatalog discussion, "Commonplacing" (started June 2, 2008).

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