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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

5 Really Redolent Reassurances in the Tech Business: Monday Morning Quarterbacking, and a Good Read

"The 5 Worst Reassurances in Tech History"
TechCult (June 3, 2008)

"Ever since educational radio broadcasting pioneer Mary Somerville assured listeners that 'Television won't last. It's a flash in the pan', gadget gurus have been spectacularly wrong - especially when they have a stake in the issue. Here we look at five fabulously false assurances made with the best of intentions, the benefit of experience, and less accuracy than a horoscope translated by a barking dog."

What follows is a list of five really redolent reassurances, with a discussion of why each didn't pan out: from N-Gage QD and Segway to Gizmondo.

If you're a non-techie, and don't recognize those names, don't worry. The discussion of each gives enough background to let newbies know what's happening.

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