Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, December 7, 2007

"The 22 Best Writing Tips Ever"

Considering that writing has been in use for about two and a half millennia, I won't vouch for these being the best 22 of all time.

Besides, I don't quite agree with some of the points. For example, 11. "Join a writers' group so you can enjoy support and comradery in your craft." I've been in writers' groups, and don't miss not being in one. Of course, I don't aspire to be either a "literary," "artistic," or "relevant" writer.

With that disclaimer, this list is good advice: from

1. "Do it. Write."


18. "Let go of your inner editor. When you sit down to write a draft, refrain from proofreading until that draft is complete."


22. "Write, write, write, and then write some more. Forget everything else and just write."

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