Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, September 21, 2007

Groups in BlogCatalog: Promising

A favorite online community of mine, BlogCatalog ( has added "groups" to its features.

Groups, member-defined clusters of users with similar interests, aren't anything new generally, of course. But, they're a new feature on BlogCatalog: introduced this weeks.

One of the groups I've joined, "Writers and Writing" should make it easier for the more serious writers (professional and 'creative') to put our heads together.

Another, "Blogging History / A place for professional historians, amateur historians, and history buffs to talk about history and blogging" probably isn't for everyone, but looks good to me.

Of course, you'd have to be a member of BlogCatalog to participate.

Which is about as un-subtle a plug as you're likely to see here, today.

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