Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, September 21, 2007

Another Writing Blog: Nearly Nothing but Novels

" Nearly nothing but novels / My impressions of fiction, including crime fiction: I point out authors and books that I feel deserve more attention...."

These aren't your usual book reviews. Thursday's post included a personal look at translations, mistranslation, and more of the "World" in World Wide Web.


  1. Thanks for checking out my site and publishing your comments. It looks like I'll enjoy exploring your site in detail. For my last post, I was a little stuck because I'm not doing negative reviewing, but wasn't wild about the book I had planned to cover. Hope to see you back soon.
    Best wishes, Jim (chemrat)

  2. That's, right?

    I plan to review your site.

    And, I think I see your point. "You're only as good as your last performance" seems to apply to online works, as well as what performers do.

  3. Yes, that is the correct url. I should have put a hard return in while typing to make things clear. Anyway, several actual book reports have appeared since we started this conversation. Not that I am unhappy with the bit on translation etc.- it did start some discussion on Detectives beyond Borders, if not on my site. Thanks again, Jim

  4. p.s. I'm the one who answered what I believe was your question about Yom Kippur.


Thanks for your comment!