Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Art News Blog: Blogging on Art since 2004

"Art News Blog" "a selection of visual art news, art reviews and art related stories online"

The most recent posts were
  • "Emily Patrick Exhibition"
    ("I love painters that can make any subject a good painting. They can make a dead rat or a sack of potatoes look good because they are not relying on the subject to create the work of art.")
  • "World's Largest Photo"
    ("I love the fact that my little digital camera with 7 mega pixels fits in my pocket and can be taken anywhere, but I don't think a giant jet air craft hangar sized camera will ever be very popular!")
  • "Business Manager Frank Dunphy"
    ("Frank Dunphy talked a little about the infamous diamond encrusted skull and the $100 million price tag.")
  • "10th International Istanbul Biennial in Turkey"
    ("The curator for the event this year is Hou Hanru. It has been called "Not Only Possible, But Also Necessary: Optimism in the Age of Global War", which wouldn't look out of place on a peace protester's banner.")
That last item sounds, like, relevant. Here's part of what an associated Turkey art essay has to say: "In this age of global wars and globalization of liberal capitalism, it is not impossible but also necessary to revitalize the debate on modernization and modernity and put forward activist proposals to improve social progress. Today, modernization should be carried out in diverse models, relevant to local conditions and ideals, and in the negotiations between individual localities and the ‘global’. In other words, a bottom-up, truly democratic project of modernization and modernity that is based on the respect of individual rights and humanist values is necessary to bring Turkish society out of its contradiction. And this is also true of the global situation in transition." Like, it's the most.

Art News Blog has archives going back to 2004

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