Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"architechnophilia" - Architecture for the Twitchy

If the author of " architechnophilia" is serious about the description of him and his blog ("This is my obsession....architecture!! Seen through my perverse eyes. Architecture is my fetish!") he needs help.

However, the blog is a wonderful collection of photographs, diagrams, renderings, and links about architecture. I would have preferred a little more detail on each post, but the wild variety of material more than makes up for a lack of depth.

Viewing the blog is a little like viewing an art gallery from the back seat of a racing motorcycle.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the link to my site.

    I appreciate the comments they will likely be reflected in the revision of the site [coming soon], including interviews and more critical posts.

    again thanks...


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