Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, December 26, 2014

A Light Look at Crimson Dark

(From David S. Simon, used w/o permission.)

An online comic by David C. Simon: a definite 'Star Wars' style to the technology and setting, except that it seems to be set somewhat after the 21st century. Pretty good characters and pacing, as far as the Lemming got: which was about 20 pages. The plot was going somewhere when the Lemming's attention — hey look at that, it's after 4:00 — and looks like something worth looking at, or reading, or whatever it is one does with an online comic.

A tip of the hat to Brandon Bailey, on Google Plus, for the heads-up on this.

Now, the Lemming has some serious goofing off to do.

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