Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, September 19, 2014

King's Quest, Doom, and Candy Land: The Lemming Opines

(From Activision/Sierra, via gameinformer, used w/o permission.)
(King's Quest Returns.)

"[Update] Sierra's New King's Quest Won't Be Point-And-Click, Will Be Adventure"
Mike Futter, gameinformer (August 16, 2014)

"Update: The Odd Gentlemen, the developer working on the new King's Quest game, reached out to clarify an aspect of its still mysterious project.

"The game won't be a point-and-click title in the traditional sense, but it will retain King's Quest's adventure roots. Below, you will find our conversation with Activision's MacLean Marshall about reviving Sierra and King's Quest.

"Original Story:

"One of the more surprising announcements during Gamescom was Activision's revival of the classic Sierra brand. The original Sierra, founded by Ken and Roberta Williams in 1979, was known for the King's Quest, Space Quest, and Police Quest series (among many others). Activision has big plans for the brand that include classic franchises and brand new creations...."

Apparently the Sierra brand was owned by Vivendi, which was acquired by Activision.

Instead of fussing about corporate greed, why nobody should use Microsoft, or the sky being the wrong color: the Lemming takes this opportunity to ramble on about creativity and all that.

Creativity will be involved in the Sierra reboot, since The Odd Gentlemen will be "...doing a contemporary reboot of King's Quest...."

At least that's what Mike Futter says The Odd Gentlemen said.

The good news is that someone will be thinking about the new-and-improved King's Quest.

'The Lemming doesn't know yet' news is that someone other than the original creators will be doing the reboot.

If The Odd Gentlemen is/are smart, creative, and have tastes that correspond to those of a flannel-wearing Lemming, the results could be quite satisfactory. To the Lemming.

On the other hand — Roberta Williams, who designed the original King's Quest series, understood storytelling. She had a particular style that shows in the original series. The games had 'personality.'

So, for that matter, did id Software's Doom. The Lemming enjoyed playing Doom: and King's Quest.

But think about it: what if someone decided to reboot Doom with a Super Mario Bros. feel? Or Candy Land with Doom-inspired graphics?

The Lemming thinks these posts are related — your experience may vary:

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