Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, May 10, 2013

Lemming Tracks: Yearning for a Nice, Quiet, Dull, Humdrum Weekend

The Lemming has never been on a cruise, Caribbean or otherwise: unless you count a short voyage across Leech Lake in Minnesota; a body of water is notable for the the size of its main body, and of its leeches.

On the other hand, the Lemming feels as if few weekends have passed of late without an expedition, peregrination, run, or trek of some sort.

The journeys were necessary: the sort of activity which, although pleasant in some ways, would not be done if a practical purpose prompted purposeful processes.

Alas! Alliterative assertions accumulate! It's time for the Lemming to call it a day. Or a morning, or whatever.

The Lemming is sincerely looking forward to a nice, quiet, dull, humdrum weekend. Wait a minute - - - Oh, dear. Maybe next weekend.

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