Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve With the Lemming

It's Christmas Eve, December 24, 2012. I'm pretty sure that we'll be seeing less about the Mayan calendar's long cycle now. Discussion, sensible and otherwise, of the recent mass murder in Newtown, Connecticut, will probably linger for a bit longer: but I'm fairly certain that it will fade after a few more weeks.

I discussed the latest 'end of the world' story, and the tragedy in Connecticut, in another blog:
The Lemming usually has something weirdly funny to show during the Christmas season. This year, the Lemming's heart wasn't in that project.

Check back in a few hours, though. The Lemming may have something 'seasonal' ready by then. Then again, maybe not.

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