Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Cartoon Silhouette World Filled With - - - Stuff, Familiar and Otherwise

"Click and Drag"
xkcd (September 28, 2012)

"Click and drag" is what you do in the bottom panel of this particular xkcd comic. It's a huge piece of silhouette art, a landscape in profile that includes: a fountain; trees; radio towers; and a - giant flying jellyfish?! That last thing might be what the fellow who isn't looking at a yellow warbler sees.

There are also very deep wells, or mine shafts, or something. Those leads to things like thatch-roofed booths, a pyramid, and what might be one of Cthulhu's drinking buddies. Or maybe it's a snake plant that got out of hand.

If you decide to explore this not-so-little world, the Lemming suggests that you set aside at least 15 or 20 minutes. There a lot of detail there. Also gags, visual and otherwise. Some of the humor is dark.

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