Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, September 7, 2012

Avast! International Talk Like a Pirate Day be Coming!

Drop whatever you're doing! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is nearly upon us! Thar be scant time t' prepare, be ye so inclined.

"Drunken Sailor: First Annual International Talk Like a Pirate Day Drunken Sailor Sing-Along a Go Go"

OfficialWench, YouTube (September 11, 2011)
video, 4:41

"From the Pirate Guys -- -- More than 50 pirates and fans from all across the U.S. join in singing one of the best-known, best-loved sea songs of all time. With buccaneers from Southern Cal to...."

The next International Talk Like A Pirate Day is September 19, 2012. The folks who produced "Drunken Sailor: First Annual International Talk Like a Pirate Day Drunken Sailor Sing-Along a Go Go" promise - or threaten - to do another one this year.

The official website ( features this video, and links to other debatably-tasteful content: including an English-to-Pirate translator. The Lemming enjoys this - but the Lemming also likes P. D. Q. Bach and "Weird Al" Yankovic. You have been warned.

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