Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Minneapolis Skyways: Warm Winter Walking

"Minneapolis Skyway System"

"The Minneapolis Skyway System is an interlinked collection of enclosed pedestrian footbridges that connects various buildings in Downtown Minneapolis enabling people to walk in a climate-controlled environment. The extensive system is renowned as the largest continuous system in the world,[1] and is compared to the underground cities of Houston, Texas, and Canadian cold-weather cities Toronto and Montreal.[2]

"The system forms a network of climate-controlled, pedestrian walkways that link sixty-nine full city blocks over seven miles (11 km).[3]..."

From the Lemming's point of view, Minneapolis is 'down south,' and that's almost another topic.

The Minneapolis skyway system makes sense here in Minnesota, where words like "winter" and "cold" have a different meaning than they do in, say, San Diego. Or Brazilia.

St. Paul, Minnesota, across the river from Minneapolis, has a skyway system, too. And, until 2001, had an indoor city park. And that is another topic. As the Wikipedia article said, cities that have enclosed and climate-controlled pedestrian areas aren't all that uncommon. Not in North America, anyway.

One of the Wikipedia map links still works, but another fell victim to website 'improvements' since it was posted. After a little nosing around, the Lemming found two useful maps on the Minneapolis city website. ( Since there's no telling how long those URLs will be useful, the Lemming archived both maps on a stable website:
The City of Minneapolis holds copyright on both those maps - and those links and archived copies are used without permission. More of the usual disclaimer: this discussion of Minneapolis skyways; display of image(s); links; and use of the letter M; are not intended to imply endorsement, or any other sort of connection, with the City of Minneapolis.

And, while the Lemming is thinking of it:
  • Observe traffic rules
  • Not for internal use
  • Drive safely
  • Recycle
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1 comment:

  1. Brigid,

    Oops. Comments for this post have been re-enabled. Thanks for spotting that!


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