Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hello Kitty! Three A330 Airliners Raise Air Travel Cuteness Levels

"Even More Photos of EVA Air's Three New 'Hello Kitty' Airplanes"
JetSetCD, jaunted (November 2, 2011)

"Last week, in a frenzy of excitement, we broke the news (for English-language press, at least) that Taiwan's EVA Air would celebrate their 20th Anniversary by bringing back the old, immensely successful Hello Kitty-painted airplane. Instead of only one as before, however, there'd be three A330s, each with a unique paintjob and the full treatment of Hello Kitty-ization on the inside and out.

"That alone was awesome news, and now we have more. Although the Hello Kitty plane routes only operate from Taipei-Taoyuan International to Tokyo, Fukuoka, Hokkaido, Seoul and Hong Kong, EVA Air has just begun long-haul flights from New York-JFK to Taipei...."

(EVA Air, via jaunted, used w/o permission)

These "Hello Kitty" airliners may not be everyone's cup of tea: but the Lemming's hat is off to EVA Air for raising the cuteness quotient of air travel. The jaunted article's photo gallery has more (adorable?) photos and renderings of the Hello Kitty planes. Including a look at the interiors.

One of the interior renderings is really, really pink. With Hello Kitty artwork on the headrests that are so sweet, EVA Air may want to consider warning passengers with diabetes to pack extra meds.

Did the Lemming mention that these are cute airliners? Extremely cute?


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