Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lemming Tracks: "Obey Gravity! It's the Law"

"Obey Gravity Bumper Sticker"
Stickers & Emblems; Home & Office, ThinkGeek

Obey Gravity Bumper Sticker
(from ThinkGeek, used w/o permission)

"In The Near-Retro Future, Gravity Police Are Everywhere!

"Are you obeying gravity?
"Gravitational constant not included but implied.
"Vinyl bumper sticker, 9"x3", black & white..."

The Lemming wonders if it's entirely safe to post this. After all, Congress is in session - and someone there may get the idea that Americans won't obey gravity, unless it's properly regulated, licensed, and taxed.

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