Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stained Glass CD

"#5 Mansion Glass Photos"

"117 photographs of finished windows by the Mansion Glass Company in all shapes and sizes. Drawings are nice, but finished windows really show the unique beauty of stained glass. ... A useful tool for you and your clients."

There's a higher-resolution image of that particular example, but to get at the rest you'd have to buy the CD - for about $25, plus (probably) shipping and handling. The Lemming didn't check to see how much that would be.

The CD's description is aimed at someone who wants to impress clients: but it seems like something that would be fun to have for someone who likes to look at stained glass. And has $25-plus dollars to spend.

The Lemming isn't going to buy that CD - but it's still nice to look at that picture.

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