Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, April 28, 2011

This Post is Not About the Royal Wedding

If your existence will feel aimless, banal, barren, cheap, devoid of meaning, expressionless, futile, hollow, inane, insipid, jejune, paltry, petty, purposeless, and generally vapid without yet more coverage of the upcoming royal wedding in England, here are some links:

For Everybody Else - - -

Grand Reopening of The Domes

(from Milwaukee County website, used w/o permission)

"County Executive Scott Walker and Parks Director Sue Black
"invite you to be our guest at this historic event. . .

"The Grand Reopening of The Domes

"November 5, 2008
"5-9 p.m.
"Mitchell Park, 524 S. Layton Blvd.

"Meet Donald Grieb, architect of this one-of-a-kind glass structure!"

That page of, the Milwaukee County website, does not mention William and Kate - not once.

"The Domes:" Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory

"The Domes" is a more colorful, in the Lemming's opinion, name for Milwaukee County's Mitchell Park Conservatory.

(from Milwaukee County website, used w/o permission)

Milwaukee County's website has pages about:
The county website has other pages, too, of course. But those are some of the main ones about The Domes.


  1. Brigid,


    Yes, isn't it though? I rather like it, myself. But then, I do like bright colors.


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