Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Streaming News Video: NHK World, Japan

NHK World: English

"News and information on Japan's politics, business, culture, entertainment and more."

The Lemming learned about NHK World from still photos/screenshots from its video feed.

The news channel has a streaming feed, through USTREAM, the service the Lemming uses for Small Town America: Minnesota.


Video chat rooms at Ustream
"Official NHK WORLD TV live on USTREAM.
"NHK WORLD TV is an English language 24-hour international news and information channel.
"News script now on in less than 34 hours"

The news channel's content is in Japanese, with a running translation voice over in English. It's a pretty good resource, in the Lemming's opinion, for giving a look at Japan's experience from a Japanese perspective.

(NHK WORLD TV, via Official NHK WORLD TV live on USTREAM, used w/o permission)
Screenshot of NHK WORLD TV streaming feed on USTREAM, taken about 1:35 p.m. Central, March 16, 2011. The diagram is on the side of a model of one of the Fukushima power plant reactor buildings.


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