Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Japan: More People Found, Alive and Otherwise

It's been close to 'all Japan, all the time' on this blog. Understandably, the Lemming hopes: the March 11, 2011 quake was the worst in Japan's recorded history.

Here's a bit of the news from the last 24 hours or so:
"Japan: Alive after 10 days in the rubble"
Associated Press, via The Independent (March 21, 2011) (It's March 21 in the UK by now)

"The voice rang out suddenly, unexpectedly, from the wreckage left behind by the earthquake and tsunami that ripped through north-eastern Japan 10 days ago. 'Please help. Please help.'..."

Good news: which is nice to see now and again, in the Lemming's opinion.
"Death toll from Japan's disasters over 8,000; more than 12,000 missing"
David Nakamura, Joel Achenbach, The Washington Post (March 20, 2011)

"The official death toll in Japan soared past the 8,000 mark Sunday, nine days after a powerful earthquake and tsunami ravaged the northeast coast. Yet amid this grim reality came a piercing note of uplift when rescuers reached an 80-year-old woman and her 16-year-old grandson trapped in a house in a village that had mostly been swept away by the March 11 tsunami.

"The dramatic helicopter airlift, broadcast live on national television, came after Sumi Abe had been pinned in her home by fallen debris for nine days in Ishinomaki City. She survived with the help her grandson Jin, who fetched her food from the refrigerator and eventually waved down rescue workers from the roof, according to NHK television...."

Not-so-good news, again in the Lemming's opinion. The confirmed death toll, that is. Another rescue: that's good news.
"Japan quake: Health risk to survivors as deaths rise"
BBC News Asia-Pacific (March 20, 2011)

"Hundreds of thousands of survivors living in basic temporary shelters in the cold with little food could be at risk from disease according to the Red Cross....

"...Police in Japan say 15,000 people may have been killed in a single prefecture, Miyagi, by the disaster, as the official death toll rose to 8,133, with 12,272 people missing."

There's a little text - the page's content is mostly a BBC News video.

And, again, a sort of good news/bad news mix.


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