Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Super Bowl, Google, and a 3D Virtual Tour

Erik Malinowski, Playbook, Wired (February 4, 2011)

"For those of you who can't make it out to Dallas for this Sunday's Super Bowl — and, quite frankly, that's probably all of you — the search wizards of Mountain View, California, have been kind enough to offer us the chance to virtually tour Cowboys Stadium via Google Earth.

"It couldn't be simpler. Download the latest version of Google Earth, and type 'Cowboys Stadium' into the 'Find Businesses' field at the top. (Also, make sure you have the '3D Buildings' layer turned on.) It might take a minute or two to get the hang of it, but once you do, you can get a complete 3-D perspective of this $1.2 billion behemoth, decked out in its complete Super Bowl-themed exterior...."

Super Bowl. Football. Google. And, what else? A YouTube video demo:

"Cowboys Stadium in 3D

YourWorldIn3D, YouTube (February 3, 2011)
video, 1:37

Impressive - and fairly cool music, too. In the Lemming's opinion.

The video's been scaled down to fit this blog's format - if it doesn't display well, you're free to follow the link to the YouTube page.

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