Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, February 11, 2011

Narcissus-X: Earnest, Angsty Artist; and now an Online Comic

The Lemming is not above shameless self-promotion.

Like this:

"Narcissus-X: TRAPPED!"
(February 11, 2011)

"Narcissus-X ponders. And, pondering, envisions - - -..."

Narcissus-X is another of the Lemming's alter-egos. Not-so-alter, the Lemming sometimes suspects. There are times when it's all too easy to write for that angsty, earnest artist. And that's another topic. Several.

"Narcissus-X: TRAPPED!" is the Lemming's first serious (?) effort at making a comic strip. This will lead to something - or not.

Not-completely-unrelated posts:

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