Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lemming Tracks: The Lemming is Cutting Back

At this moment, Apathetic Lemming of the North's description reads: "Three micro-reviews, or the occasional rant, daily! (on average, technology and the nature of the universe permitting)"

A few things happened this winter. The Lemming:
  • Caught the flu
    • Or something that acts the same way
  • Reviewed
    • Some 'back burner' projects
    • His inner motives and quirks
  • Fell badly behind in this blog
    • And others
Given time, the Lemming could catch up on the last two and a half months' worth of missed posts. Probably. But that would mean taking time away from other pursuits. More to the point for this blog, it would likely mean lower-quality posts here.

The Lemming doesn't want to do that.

So the Lemming will continue to post in this blog - just not quite so often.

The way things have been going lately, that probably means one post a day. On average, technology, the nature of the universe, and limitations of the Lemming permitting.

Thanks for your patience - and the Lemming plans to be back with something more interesting in a few hours.

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