Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 14th: Horned Lizard Day

"Celebrate Something Bizarre"
Crawling Chaos, the web site of Wes Jones (Worcester Polytechnic Institute almnus)

"Holidays these days seem to fall into two basic categories. There are those that are over-commercialized, and there are those that are basically ignored. Christmas is an example of the former, and Groundhog Day is an example of the latter...."

Wes Jones gives us new - and strange - reasons to celebrate, including:
  • January - Carnivorous Plant Appreciation Month
  • February 14th - Horned Lizard Day
  • May 23rd - The Defenestration of Prague
    • This one's real
  • December 8th - Pangolin Day
May 23rd really is the anniversary of an event in Prague's history:

"...This is an actual date in history, which warrants note whether you care about the actual event or not. On May 23, 1618, in Prague, a few royal officials were thrown out a window of Hradcany Castle by some noblemen, but survived the fall by landing in a cart full of manure...."

Pangolin Day's entry introduces us to pangolin carols - this might actually catch on.

Along with Ladel Day.

Related (?!) posts:

A tip of the hat to one of the Lemming's daughters, for the heads-up on Horned Lizard Day. And pangolin carols.

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