Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, February 12, 2011

1938 World's Fair: A Fleischer Cartoon Take on 'The Future'

"All's Fair at the Fair"

Fleischer Brothers (1938 (?))
via lovehatecartoons, YouTube (July 13, 2006)
video, 8:21

[no description]

The Lemming likes the old Fleischer cartoons - but not their habit of applying superfluous, nasal, running dialog to the soundtrack. The Lemming acknowledges that it's a creative decision: to have the characters chat back and forth - or to each other - in a casual manner. In its own way it's a sort of slice-of-life style. And may have been entertaining in the late '30s.

That's the down side.

On the up side, the Lemming enjoys the Fleischer technique of mixing three-dimensional settings with two-dimensional animated drawings. Your experience may vary.

The music? The Lemming likes it - although it took a little effort to get it out of the Lemming's brain, after viewing. It's 'catchy.'

Hats off to "All's Fair at the Fair," Tales of Future Past, David S. Zondy

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