Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top Tech Nifties, 2010

"Top 10 Tech Highlights of 2010 -- and What's in Store for 2011"
DAWN KAWAMOTO Dawn Kawamoto, DailyFinance (January 1, 2011)

"Quick quiz: In 2010, did you purchase an Apple (AAPL) iPad or a smartphone, or sign up for Netflix? If you answered yes, congratulations -- you were part of at least one of the top tech trends of 2010.

"The last year was defined by a broad range of significant technology trends and events, several of which stemmed from the iPad launch. Here's our list of the top 10:

"1) Launch of the iPad: The iPad jump-started the tablet market in the big way. Sure, there were early pioneers in the market, like Apple's Newton in the mid-1990s and Microsoft's (MSFT) tablet launch in 2001, but it was the iPad that drew a flood of other me-too tablets to the market, from Dell's Streak to Samsung's Galaxy Tab. As James Ragan, senior equity analyst of Crowell, Weedon & Co., puts it: 'The iPad launched the whole tablet segment and proved groundbreaking.'

"2) E-Readers Take Off: At least partly thanks to the iPad launch, e-readers like's (AMZN) Kindle and Barnes & Noble's (BKS) Nook..."

If there aren't any big surprises in the list - that should be no surprise. Think about it: Are top tech events likely to be something that few folks have heard of?

Number eight on the list isn't, the Lemming thinks, so much "tech" as business or culture: Google's deciding to leave China. Google's interested in connecting folks with information. The lot that's running China is interested in keeping folks from finding information - other than what the leaders want their subjects to know. Folks following those two philosophies weren't likely to play well together.

The Lemming's written about Google and China before:


  1. I just signed up for Netflix! Hooray! I already have a Droid phone, so now all I need to do is buy an iPAD and a Kindle. I'll be part of the cool crowd at last.

  2. Maurice Mitchell,

    Sounds like a plan. Enjoy!


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