Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lemming Tracks: The Lemming Blames it on Monday

What with posting about a mall riot, dihydrogen monoxide (AKA water), and a factually-challenged textbook, the Lemming's been almost grim this Monday.

Maybe it was a case of 'Mondayitis.' Or something.

Not to worry: For tomorrow's posts, the Lemming found this picture of an eight-foot sea scorpion, except it isn't a scorpion, and it's been dead for about a third of a billion years.

Wait. Maybe that's not all that grimly serious: but an eight-foot scorpion-thing? For some folks, that'd be somewhere between scary and gross.

Odds are really good that the Lemming will find something else for tomorrow, too. Maybe that baby potto on

Most likely other stuff, too.

There's a whole lot of - stuff - on the Web.


  1. Maybe the owl in a knit hat from Daily Squee. And that scorpion thing sounds pretty cool. Though it might help that I live in a part of the world that doesn't have scorpions (or any poisonous creatures with exoskeletons).

  2. Brigid,

    I have to restrain myself from doing too many micro-reviews from Daily Squee. And, thanks for the heads-up.


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