Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Top Ten Goofy 2010 True Stories: From the Oddly Enough Blog

"The 10 goofiest true stories of the year…"
Robert Basler, Oddly Enough blog, Reuters (December 7, 2010)

"Don’t tell anybody, but this was a pretty easy year for me.

"Even though I write for a Serious News Organization, as a humor blogger I’m allowed to invent strange stuff because I don’t fool anybody, and it’s cheaper than giving me a travel budget.

"But in 2010 I was blessed with so many great and goofy TRUE stories, I hardly had to use my imagination at all.

"What a Goof-a-Ganza it was! How can you top wacky ideas like installing a toilet timer so workers have only 10 minutes to do their business? Or the genius who tried to smuggle 28 TONS of garlic?..."

And, yes: the list includes the tourists who complained that they were forced to shop.

Then there was the airliner whose passengers were treated to a prerecorded 'warning! We're going down at sea!' message. Accidentally.

There's a link to each of the top-ten examples of weirdness. Including the accidental warning message. That post includes a few really good questions. Like: "Just WHY is there a prepared message saying the plane is about to crash into the sea? Do you really need it that often?" (Oddly Enough (August 30, 2010))

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