Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Eight Goofiest Photos: Again; Except Not Eight This Time

Once a micro-review's been posted, the Lemming generally leaves the topic alone for a decent interval. This is an exception:

"The eight goofiest photos of 2010"
Robert Basler, Oddly Enough (December 13, 2010)

If that looks familiar, it should: the Lemming posted an "eight goofiest" micro-review Monday.

Without the photos.

The strain was too much: here, for the first time in this blog, are Mr. Basler's eight goofiest photos of 2010. Some of them, anyway.

Like the Lemming said, Monday: He could be right.

(from Reuters/Oddly Enough, used w/o permission)

Somebody in purple tights experiencing a bull-assisted takeoff? A photo of a corpse at a taco stand, with weirdly-inappropriate intellectual property declaration?

But wait! There's more!

(from Reuters/Oddly Enough, used w/o permission)

Individually, those photos are, as Mr. Basler pointed out, goofy.

Now, take those last four: and start thinking of them as panels in a photo-realistic comic book.

A story that would go with that sequence? Like it said in the textbooks: that is left as an exercise for the reader.

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