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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haiti, Cholera, A Thousand Dead, Link to Charities List

"Over 1,000 Haitians Dead From Cholera"
Americas, Voice of America (November 16, 2010)

"The death toll from Haiti's cholera epidemic has passed 1,000.

"Health officials made the announcement Tuesday, reporting an official figure of 1,034 deaths as of Sunday.

"The authorities said more than 16,700 people have been hospitalized since the outbreak was first reported late last month.

"Angry protesters have accused United Nations peacekeepers from Nepal of bringing the waterborne disease to their Caribbean nation.

"Violent protests against U.N. peacekeepers erupted Monday, with at least two people killed in clashes between demonstrators and the U.N. workers.

"The U.N. mission in Haiti, MINUSTAH, dismissed the demonstrations as 'politically motivated,' ahead of the November 28 presidential and legislative elections.

"The U.N.'s humanitarian coordinator in Haiti, Nigel Fisher, told reporters Monday that cholera has been detected in every province...."

Politically motivated riots or not: folks living in Haiti are not having a good year. At all.

So far:
  • Major earthquake
  • Near-miss from hurricane
  • Cholera outbreak
The good news is that there isn't all that much left of 2010 left. Also that there are Haitians who aren't attacking folks from Nepal. And quite a few other folks are trying to help.

List of Charities

Maybe you saw this before: a list of charities I put together back in January, 2010. I haven't checked every URL, but the ones I did - worked. One more thing: It's a good idea to make sure that the outfit you're giving money to is legit. You can do that to your own satisfaction better than I could.

Okay. Here's a link to that list of charities:That page also has lists of posts in this, and other, blogs about Haiti.

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