Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yves Rossy and His Flying Backpack

"Jet-man: Human powered flight"

fdt2k, YouTube (December 22, 2006)
video, 3:13

"Yves Rossy, the first man to have the performances of an airplane (climb !) with only his body movements to steer: The Icare's dream reality !"

Yves Rossy's flown across the English Channel since that video was made: and other folks are developing personal flight technology, too. The Lemming doesn't think that the flying belts of the Jetsons are all that likely - not any time soon.

On the other hand, there are recreational and practical applications that just about guarantee that we'll see more of these things in the next few years.

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